Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Measurement of Tensile Strength

Measurement of Tensile Strength

Okra bast fibres were cut into small pieces of length 30 cm and the length of each specimen between the jaws of the machine was maintained 10 cm. One twist per 2 cm was given along the length of the fibre between the jaws of the machine for measuring breaking strength of okra bast fibre. 0.5 gm of each specimen was weight out and the tensile strength of it was measured (by Torsee,s Scopper Type-OS-100). The breaking load was gradually increased after starting the machine and at a particular point the specimen was broken down. The machine was stopped at the point of break. The breaking load was shown on the scale of the tensile tester in N. In each experiment tensile strength for 10 cm specimens were taken and the mean of 10 readings was the breaking strength of okra bast fibre.

Knowing the breaking load, the tensile strength/tenacity was calculated by the following formula:

Tenacity = Average breaking load /Denier (gm/denier)

From the weight and length, the denier of okra bast fibre sample was calculated according to the formula:
Denier = Weight of sample in gm/Length of the sample in meter x 9000

Weight and length of the sample were measured between the jaws of the tensile strength tester. By calculating average breaking strength and denier, tensile strength or tenacity of undyed and dyed bleached and modified okra bast fibres were measured.

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