1.1.2 Chemical Composition and structure of the fibre ( Natural Things)
Chemically speaking, okra bast fibre is a composite fibre extracted from the okra bast plant by retting in water. Okra bast fibre is a complex mixture of chemical compound, which a no built up by natural process during the growth of okra fibre in the plant stem. The composition of okra fibre is not uniform. The condition of soil, climate, maturity of the plant, retting etc. makes considerable variation in the constituents of the fibre.
The general compositions of the Abelmoschus esculentus fibre are more or less same with minor deference in constituents. The average composition of fairly a good quality of okra bast fibre is as follows.
List-1: Chemical Composition of okra bast fibre
Constituents Amounts ( Percentage)
1.alpha-cellulose 59.2
2. Hemicellulose 19.0
3. Lignin 9.8
4.Pectins 3.7
5. Fatty and waxy matters 5.3
6. Aqueous extract 3.0
7.Total 100
It is evident from the composition of okra bast fibre that the main constituents are alpha-cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin and the rest are very little influence to the structure of okra bast fibre.
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