Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Biotechnology and pllution control

Environmental biotechnology and biotechnology

Environmental Biotechnology: The application of biotechnology in the natural environment is called environmental biotechnology .This could be primarily sustaining the environment by using eco-friendly biological process. Some of these processes could be used to solve the most demanding environment problems like enrolling air emissions and water pollution.

Bio-technology: Bio-technology is a field of applied biology that involves the use of living organisms and bioprocesses in engineering technology medicine and other fields requiring bio-products.

The United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (UNCBD) defines biotechnology as

“Any technological application that uses biological systems living organisms or derivatives there of to modify product or process for specific use.”

Application of biotechnology in Environment protection

The Application f bio technologies in environment protection are
1. It is used for the treatment of municipal sewage treatment plants and filters to purify town gas.
2. Bio-technological techniques to treat waste before or after it has been brought into the environment.
3. Domestic solid waste may also treated by this process.
4. Toxic waste many also be neutralize by using micro-organism.
5. Micro-organism may also be used to treat the common pollutant in Industrial effluent before discharging it into water.

For more information and suggestion : zamansgs@gmail.com

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