Thursday, July 21, 2011

Environment/chemistry, Pollution and Pollutant


The term environment is the sum of all social, economical, biological, physical or chemical factors which is constitute of the surrounding of man, which is both creator or moulder of this environment. It is a holistic view of the world as it functions at anytime with a multitude of special elemental and social-economical systems distinguished by quality and attributes of space and mode behaviour of biotic and abotic forms.

Environmental Chemistry

Environmental Chemistry is a branch of science which deals with the environmental segments, constitutes and it sources. It is not only relates with chemicals but also non-chemist such as material science, engineering etc.

The main object of environmental chemistry is to determine the nature as well as quantity of specific pollutants in the environment.

Basic Concept of Environmental Chemistry

• Environmental Chemistry not only relates with chemist but also non-chemist such as material science, engineering etc.
• Bad effect of environmental chemistry segment on living organism and how to overcome this problem.

Importance/Objectives of Environmental Chemistry

•To determine the nature as well as quality of specific pollutants in the environment.
•To enlighten the public, particularly student about the importance of protection of conservation of our environment and need to restrain human activity which lead to indiscriminate release of pollutants into environment.
• Environmental Chemistry requires high sensitivity & accuracy in determining the environmental pollutants.


Pollution means the addition of any foreign materials like organic/inorganic, biological or radiological or any physical change occurring in the nature which may harm or effect living organism directly or indirectly, immediately or after a long time.

The root cause of pollution has been the man’s misbehaviour with the nature.


The materials which cause pollution of environment are called pollutants. Pollutants may be organic/inorganic, biological or radiological unfavourable substances. Pollutants are harmful solid, liquid or gaseous substances present in nature in such concentration which tends to be injuries for the living organism.
Examples: Lead, Mercury, Sulpher-dioxide, carbon monoxide, etc.
Thus we may conclude as such types of substances which are undesirable and present in wrong place at wrong time and wrong quantity in the environment known as pollutants.

Path-ways pollutants
The mechanism by which the pollutants are distributed from its sources in to the environmental segments is known as path-ways of pollutants.

Source > Environment > Receptor

In gasoline/in automobile petrol
Pb(C2H5)4 PbCl3+ PbBr2(Air)
Auto exhausts

To food crops & Food chain PbCl2+PbBr2 (soil)

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